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on the Hearings Held by Competition Board”. This was published

on the official website of the Competition Board on 13.07.2010.

The Competition Board, as a result of the examination made

upon the claim that the tickets of matches under the body of the

Turkish Football Federation are sold only on the website of Biletix

Bilet Dağıtım Basım ve Ticaret A.Ş., that the service costs of the

services are high, and that the problems related to the provision of

the services cause harm to consumers, decided that the provisions

granting exclusivity for more than one year to Biletix Bilet Dağıtım

Basım ve Ticaret A.Ş. in the agreements concluded between football

clubs and Biletix Bilet Dağıtım Basım ve Ticaret A.Ş. regulating

the purchase of agency services for the sale of tickets are contrary

to Article 4 of the Act No. 4054. (05.08.2010; 10-52/1056-390)

The Competition Board has conducted an investigation under

Article 41 of the Act No. 4054 in order to determine whether 56

Peugeot dealers, which are members of the Peugeot Turkey Dealers’

Council, violated Act No. 4054. As a result of the investigation, a

final decision numbered 1057-391 was taken in the Competition

Board meeting numbered 10-53 on 06.08.2010, and it has been

decided unanimously that the listed undertakings have violated

article 4 of Act No. 4054.

The CompetitionBoard, as a result of the examinationmade upon the

request for negative clearance/individual exemption for “Peugeot

Web Store” service that will be provided by Peugeot Otomotiv

Pazarlama A.Ş., decided that a negative clearance document cannot

be given pursuant to Act no. 4054. However, it has been decided to

entitle individual exemption as the planned service provides all the

conditions required in Article 5 of the Act, but this exemption is

limited to 3 years because of the risk of causing coordination in the

relevant market. (26.08.2010; 10-56/1064-396)

The Competition Board, as a result of the re-examination made

following the annulment by the 13th Chamber of the Council of

State on 16.06.2010 of the Board decision on 18.09.2000 regarding

the claim that the Turkish Pharmacists Association’s decisions

concerning the acquisitions of pharmacies, surcharges, and related

practices are contrary to Law no. 4054, levied an administrative