Competition Authority Publishes 2024-2028 Strategic Plan

03.09.2024 Orhan Emin Erdem
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The Competition Authority (Authority) has prepared five-year strategic plans since 2014. The Authority’s strategic plan for the period of 2024-2028 (Strategic Plan) has been published on 29.08.2024.

The context of the Strategic Plan can be summarized as follows:

  • The Strategic Plan consists of a preparation process, status analysis, future outlook, strategy development, monitoring, and evaluation.
  • It is emphasized that technological developments shall be taken into consideration concerning the objectives and targets of the Authority. In this context, the Strategic Plan aims to (i) ensure effective enforcement of competition law, (ii) increase the awareness of the Authority and competition law at institutional and individual levels, and (iii) encourage the production and dissemination of knowledge concerning competition law. The Authority examines each objective separately and assesses its impact on the objective, initial value, risks, and costs.
  • The Authority envisages various sub-objectives to attain the objectives mentioned above. Accordingly, the Authority prioritizes digital transformation and adopts goals such as updating the relevant legislation, developing tools for obtaining evidence, and strengthening relations and cooperation with other public institutions.
  • The Strategic Plan foresees that Article 6 of Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition (Law No. 4054) may be amended concerning digital markets and new definitions may be introduced. It is highlighted that Articles 4 and 7 of Law No. 4054 do not need any amendments.
  • The Strategic Plan addresses the needs and suggestions identified in the meetings with associations of undertakings, law firms, academics, and consumer associations.
  • As a result of various analyses, the Strategic Plan identifies that there is a need for improvement regarding the length of time it takes to publish reasoned decisions, the inefficiency of the website’s decision search feature, the number of conferences/symposiums, the inadequacy of the Competition Journal and proactivity.
  • In addition, the ease of concealing competition violations, inflationary price increases disrupting the competitive environment and the low number of applications to the Authority’s leniency program are considered threats by the Authority.
  • Under the vision and mission of the Agency, issues such as digitalization, sustainable economic policies, consumer welfare, internationalization, cooperation and strengthening human resources are outlined.

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