a person or an enterprise, that is irrelevant in relation to geographical
areas, culture or age, and which includes quality, assurance, and pro-
motion value among everybody without making distinction.
Within the scope of relevant advisory jurisdictions, and jurisdic-
tions of the Court of Cassation, the Turkish Patent Institute (“TPI”)
developed 17 measures to allow the identification of well-known trade-
marks that can be found on the web-site of TPI
. In accordance with all
of these identifications, to determine the reputation of a trademark, the
geographical area, the duration, and the capacity of usage, the degree
of knowledge or recognition of the trademark in the relevant public
sector, the target area of the trademark’s promotions, the duration and
capacity of promotions, the third-party recognition or awards of the
formal authorities proving the popularity of the trademark that expires
through time, and the economic value of the trademarks are essential.
As stated, above, each case must be examined separately.
The Protection of Well-Known Trademarks at Registration
Well-known trademarks are under the protection of general rules.
Within this scope, applications are examined by the TPI to the extent
of absolute grounds for refusal under Art. 7 of the Decree-Law, and rel-
ative grounds for refusal under Art. 8 of the Decree-Law, to determine
whether new applications abuse the rights of registered trademarks.
This examination is made by commissions that are formed by brand
experts of the TPI. In the event that the TPI determines absolute
grounds for refusal, such as trademarks that are identical, or which are
confusingly similar to a registered trademark, or those which were pre-
viously filed for registration in respect of an identical or confusingly
similar type of product or service, it will directly reject the application.
If the TPI does not ascertain absolute grounds for refusal, it pub-
lishes the application. The right holders of registered trademarks, or
those who filed for registration earlier, may object to the registration of
the published application within 3 months after the publication, claim-
Decisions of the Assembly of Civil Chambers of the Court of Cassation, dated 21.9.2005 and
numbered 2005/11-476 E. 2005/483K. may be given as example in the relevant matter.
http://www.tpe.gov.tr/TurkPatentEnstitusu/resources/temp/14FB57CE-E638-4606-A282-3CF89431CE1D.pdf (accessed on: 27.03.2015).