A General Overview on Court of Arbitration Sports’ Rules
Prof. Dr. H. Ercument Erdem
The Court of Arbitration for Sports (“CAS”) is an independent
institution established to provide dispute settlement through mediation
or arbitration for any sports-related disputes. The Statutes of Bodies
Working for the Settlement of Sports-Related Disputes (“Statutes”)
foresees two bodies in Article S1, the International Council of
Arbitration for Sports (“ICAS”) and the CAS - both bodies are seated
in Lausanne, Switzerland. The CAS is administered and financed by
the ICAS.
The CAS adapted its own Procedural Rules (“Rules”)
to address
specific the character of sports disputes. Pursuant to Article S12 of the
Statutes, the CAS resolves sports-related disputes by constituting pan-
els. These panels are responsible to resolve disputes at hand in accor-
dance with the Rules. The three main responsibilities of these panels
are to resolve disputes that are addressed through ordinary arbitration
in cases where the federation, associations, sports-related bodies
statutes, or an agreement, provide resolution through appeals of arbi-
tration procedure disputes, which are related to such decisions of fed-
erations, associations or other sports-related bodies, and to resolve dis-
putes addressed through mediation
Organization of CAS
The CAS is divided into two divisions: the Ordinary Arbitration
Division, and the Appeals Arbitration Division. The organization and
Article of March 2015