tions to transparency (confidential and protected information) and
finally repository of published information
Scope of Application
Pursuant to Article 1, the Rules apply to investor- state disputes
based on a treaty concluded on or after 1 April 2014 unless Parties to
the treaty opted out the Rules on transparency. Parties can “opt out” the
application of the Rules by clearly stating that the Rules shall not apply
or can refer to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as adopted in 1976.
In order to apply the Rules to the treaties concluded before April
1, 2014, the Parties to an arbitration shall agree to apply such Rules or
Parties to a treaty shall agree to their application after April 1, 2014. In
other words in order to apply the Rules after April 1, 2014 Parties
should “opt into” the Rules.
It should be noted that disputing parties are not allowed to dero-
gate from the Rules by an agreement or in another way unless permit-
ted by the treaty
The Rules can also be adopted into the arbitrations which are not
governed by UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules such as to the arbitrations
governed by Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and the
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
Discretion of the Arbitral Tribunal
The Rules provide specific regulations on arbitral tribunals’ dis-
cretion. In using such discretion the arbitral tribunal must take into
account certain measures, these are public interest as well as the inter-
est of the disputing parties’ in a fair resolution
. Pursuant to Article
3(b) of the Rules the arbitral tribunal by providing the consent of the
disputing parties can adopt provisions of the Rules to the specific dis-
For the text of the Rules, see
See Article 1(3) of the Rules.
See A/68/ 17 para. 18-22.
See Article 4 of the Rules.