tinction. Legal scholars proposed to enact specific regulations on
Internet sales, whereas European Commission preferred to address this
distinction within the context of the Guidelines.
Active Sales
Active sales mean reaching out to individual customers through
direct mail, unsolicited e-mails, visits or approaching a group of cus-
tomers through advertisements on Internet and media, which will tar-
get specific or a group customers. Promotions or advertisements
should aim to influence and attract only the group it target.
Active sales can be restricted by prohibiting unsolicited emails and
advertisement. These kinds of prohibitions will secure exclusive distri-
bution. Active sales are also prohibited to protect the quality of the
product and to prevent free riding which appears where a distributors
advertisement or promotion efforts benefit another distributor.
There are certain restrictions which are allowed for online active
sales such as, limiting the use of internet by distributors if such use or
advertisement creates active selling in another distributors territory,
enforcing quality requirements for the distributors websites, agreeing
on certain conditions for becoming a member of the distribution chain
especially in a selective distribution system and also enforcing condi-
tions for offline sales such as quantity of sales in order to preserve
brick and mortar shops. Besides suppliers can require its distributors to
use third party platforms in terms of the quality standards. Agreements
including above mentioned provisions and restrictions can be exempt-
ed in cases where they meet the foreseen thresholds and requirements
of Block Exemption.
Passive Sales
On the other hand pursuant to the Guidelines paragraph 51, “pas-
sive sales are defined as responding to unsolicited requests from indi-
vidual customers including delivery of goods or services to such cus-
tomers”. Internet sales are considered as passive selling since the activ-
See: Guidelines, para. 51, 53.
See: Guidelines, para. 51, 52, 54.