Defining the relevant market has an important impact in competi-
tion law, and especially for the determination of abuse of dominant
position and mergers and acquisitions. In order to understand and
determine the affected market, and the obligations of the parties, accu-
rately, it is crucial to determine geographic and relevant products mar-
kets correctly.
Affected Market
The Notification Form Concerning Mergers and Acquisitions
annexed to the Communiqué (“Notification Form”) provides detailed
regulations with regard to affected markets. Relevant markets that are
affected by a merger or acquisition are considered to be affected mar-
kets. The Communiqué also determines two different criteria for hori-
zontal and vertical relationships in terms of affected markets. Pursuant
to Article 5, a horizontal relationship of an affected market is where
two or more of the parties are commercially active in the same product
market, and a vertical relationship is when at least one of the parties is
commercially active in the downstream or upstream market of any
product market in which another party operates.
Relevant Product Market
The Board defines the terms ‘relevant product’ and ‘geographic
markets,’ and provided criteria to determine such markets in the
Guidelines on the Definition of the Relevant Markets
Article 4 of Communiqué No. 1997/1 on Mergers and Acquisitions
that Require the Authorization of the Competition Board, defines rele-
vant products and geographic markets. According to this definition, “
determining the relevant product market, the market comprising the
goods or services that are the subject of a merger or an acquisition,
and the goods or services that are deemed to be identical in the eye of
consumers, in terms of their prices, intended use, and characteristics
is taken into account; other factors that may affect the market deter-