Notification FormArticle 1(b) regulates that “for any affected mar-
ket within Turkey, and in terms of geographical markets; if the sum of
the market shares of the transaction parties are less than twenty per
cent for horizontal relationships, and the market share of one of the
transaction parties is less than twenty five per cent for vertical rela-
tionships, in relation to the affected markets in question,” information
regarding imports, distribution, suppliers, entry barriers, potential
competition, and efficiency gains regulated under Articles 6,7 and 8 are
not required to be presented. This provision is an exception to the
obligation to notify all information completely. However, it should be
noted that the Board may decide to fully examine the competition con-
ditions, and request the Notification Form to be fully completed.
EU Practice
A Mergers and Acquisitions Notification Form (“Form Co”)
in the context of merger control procedures and rules applicable to
mergers provides an obligation to produce information in relation to
affected markets. Sections 6 and 8 of the Form Co are in line with
Turkey’s regulations.
The definition of an affected market is different for vertical and
horizontal relationships. In horizontal relationships, the parties should,
in total, have at least 15 percent of the market share; whereas, in verti-
cal relationships, the combined market share of one of the undertak-
ings or the parties should be greater than 25 percent. The notifying par-
ties shall primarily determine and define the affected market.
Following such determination, the information to be produced must
contain the size of the market, the market share of the parties for the
last three years, the distribution and supply structures, as well as the
entry barriers
Defining affected markets accurately, which is regulated in the
Communiqué, has an important impact on mergers and acquisitions.
Whish, Bailey
; Competition Law, Seventh Edition, Oxford, p. 863.