The Bailment Contract pursuant to the Turkish Code
of Obligations
Att. Ceyda Buyukoral
The bailment contract is regulated between Articles 561 and 580 of
the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 (“TCO”).
A bailment contract is a contract in which the bailee undertakes to
keep a chattel entrusted to him by the bailor in a safe place.
The baileemay claim remuneration onlywhere this has been expressly
stipulated or was to be expected under the circumstances.
The bailor is obliged to reimburse the bailee for expenses incurred in
performance of the contract. Moreover, the bailor is liable to the bailee
for loss or damage caused by the bailment unless he can prove that such
loss or damage occurred through no fault of his own.
Obligations of the Bailee
Prohibition of Use
Pursuant to Article 563 TCO, the bailee may not use the deposited
chattel without the bailor’s consent. If the bailee acts in violation of this
prohibition, he must pay the bailor an adequate usage fee and is liable for
any chance occurrence, unless he can prove that such occurrence would
have affected the chattel even if he had not used it.
The Obligation to Return
The bailee is obliged to return the chattel upon the request of the
bailor, even where a fixed term was agreed for the bailment. However, the
bailor is obliged to pay the expenses incurred by the bailee.
The bailee may not return the bailed chattel before the expiry of the
stipulated term. However, the bailee may return the bailed chattel before
expiry of the stipulated term where unforeseen circumstances render
Article of August 2013