Managers in Limited Liability Companies under the Turkish
Commercial Code No. 6102
Att. Revan Sunol
The managers of limited liability companies are regulated under
articles 623 to 630 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 (‘TCC’),
within the scope of the management and representation of the
With the TCC, the natural organ principal, whereby all of the
shareholders of the company are per se managers, has been abandoned and
the elected organ principal has been adopted. The title of Manager may
be appointed with the articles of incorporation during the incorporation
of the company or afterwards by way of a shareholders’ general assembly
Therefore, the management and representation of the company may
be left to shareholder or non-shareholder persons that have been elected.
However, the management and representation of the company cannot be
left entirely to third parties, at least one of the shareholders must possess
the right to management and representation of the company.
Management Board
With the TCC, an execution understanding similar to that of joint
stock companies has been introduced with the determination that, if there
is more than one director, then they will form a board.
Pursuant to Article 624 of the TCC, if there is more than one manager
of the company, one of these managers shall be elected as the president
of the management board by the general assembly. The management
board adopts resolutions with the vote of the majority and in the case of a
deadlock, the president shall have a casting vote.
Article of January 2013