Moreover, Article 14 of the Regulation is entirely amended and is
entitled as
“audit survey activity”.
Independence, Objectiveness and Assurance of Internal Auditors
Pursuant to their duties, the independence and objectiveness of
internal auditors are very important issues. Therefore, these issues are
regulated under the Regulation, along with the issue of their assurance.
Internal auditors execute their duties independently and act objectively,
and they cannot be appointed to perform any duty which is not mentioned
under this Regulation or under the related directives.
It can be said that the Amendment Regulation does not bring any
important modifications to Part Five of the Regulation which governs
internal auditors’ independence, objectiveness and assurance.
Planning, Conducting and Reporting the Internal Audit
Pursuant to the Regulation, an internal audit plan is prepared for three
years in accordance with the internal audit strategic plan prepared by the
Internal Audit Coordination Board. Moreover, an internal audit program
which shall not exceed a period of one year shall also be set.
It should be noted that the Amendment Regulation amends Article
44, which governs the filing of reports, in its entirety.
The Amendment Regulation excluded the Banking Regulation and
Supervision Agency and the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund from
the scope of the Regulation, detailed certain articles of the Regulation,
determined clearly duties and authorities of internal auditors and
managers. Moreover, certain additions to definitions in the Amendment
Regulation make the Regulation easier to understand and follow.