Innovations in the New Turkish Commercial Code
Concerning Voting Rights
Prof. Dr. H. Ercüment Erdem
Voting rights in joint stock companies are of significant importance,
since they enable shareholders to participate in the management of the
company. Shareholders may have a voice in the activities of the company
through the exercise of their voting rights, such as appointment of members
to corporate boards, supervision of the said members and exercise
of minority rights. Privileges such as right of access to information,
convocation of the general assembly and right to demand the annulment
of the decisions aim to guarantee that the voting right is exercised more
efficiently. The New Turkish Commercial Code (“New TCC”) provides
different principles than the Turkish Commercial Code (“TCC”) with
regard to voting rights. Swiss Code of Obligations is taken as basis for the
said provisions of the New TCC. New provisions concerning the initiation
of the voting right, its exercise and general issues concerning voting rights
have been adopted in order to establish shareholders’ democracy. In line
with these provisions, voting rights now have more effective compliance
regime for substantive corporate governance principles.
Exercise of the Voting Right in the General Assembly and its
Attachment to the Shareholder
Pursuant to Article 434 of the New TCC, shareholders exercise their
voting rights in the General Assembly (“GA”). This provision is similar
with Article 360 of the TCC, which includes the same principle. On
the other hand, the last sentence of Article 434/1 reserves the provision
of GA meetings held via electronic means. As it is possible to attend
GA meetings via electronic means pursuant to Article 1527 of the New
TCC, the voting right may be exercised via electronic means as well. The
relevant article refers to this provision by stating that
“Paragraph five
of Article 1527 is reserved.”
The exercise of voting rights via electronic
means has the same consequences as attending the GA physically, and
Article of August 2011