• The Customs Exemption Communiqué (Sequence No: 1) entered
into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated
06.07.2011 and numbered 27986.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué No.
2010/6 Pertaining to the Establishment and Activities of Sectoral
Promotion Groups (Exports: 2011/10) entered into force through
publication in the Official Gazette dated 14.07.2011 and numbered
• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Prevention of the Unfair
Competition on Importation (Communiqué No: 2011/17) entered
into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated
15.07.2011 and numbered 27995.
• The Communiqué on the Implementation of Supervision on
Importation (Communiqué No: 2011/8) entered into force through
publication in the Official Gazette dated 20.07.2011 and numbered
• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Prevention of the Unfair
Competition on Importation (Communiqué No: 2011/12) entered
into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated
20.07.2011 and numbered 28000.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué
Pertaining to the Required Reserves (No: 2011/7) was published
in the Official Gazette dated 26.07.2011 and numbered 28006.
This Communiqué entered into force on the 22.07.2011.
• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Prevention of the Unfair
Competition on Importation (Communiqué No: 2011/13) entered
into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated
28.07.2011 and numbered 28008.
• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Prevention of the Unfair
Competition on Importation (Communiqué No: 2011/14) entered
into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated
28.07.2011 and numbered 28008.
• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Prevention of the Unfair
Competition on Importation (Communiqué No: 2011/15) entered
into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated
28.07.2011 and numbered 28008.