• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Prevention of the Unfair
Competition on Importation (Communiqué No: 2011/6) entered
into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated
03.05.2011 and numbered 27923.
• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Prevention of the Unfair
Competition on Importation (Communiqué No: 2011/7) entered
into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated
03.05.2011 and numbered 27923.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué
Pertaining to the Principles regarding Intermediary Operations
and Intermediary Companies Tenders Applications (Series: V, No:
46) entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette
dated 06.05.2011 and numbered 27926.
• The Communiqué on the Implementation of Supervision on
Importation (CommuniquéNo: 2011/5) was published in theOfficial
Gazette dated 12.05.2011 and numbered 27932. This Communiqué
entered into force on the 30th day following its publication.
• The Communiqué on the Implementation of Supervision on
Importation (CommuniquéNo: 2011/6) was published in theOfficial
Gazette dated 12.05.2011 and numbered 27932. This Communiqué
entered into force on the 30th day following its publication.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué with
no: Export 96/31 Pertaining to the Export of Goods which is
Prohibited and Subject to Preliminary Permission (Export No:
2011/8) entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 17.05.2011 and numbered 27937.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué with
Sequence No:2 Pertaining to the Principles and Procedures that
would Apply to Appointing Internal Auditor (Sequence No: 4)
entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette
dated 21.05.2011 and numbered 27940.
• The Communiqué on Prevention of Unfair Competition on
Importation (Communiqué No: 2011/9) and Communiqué on
Prevention of Unfair Competition on Importation (Communiqué