• The Communiqué on the Amendment to the Communiqué on
Using Principles Regarding the Securities Granted by Intermediary
Firms (Serial: V, No: 120) entered into force through publication
in the Official Gazette dated 22.01.2011 and numbered 27823.
• The Communiqué on Public Tenders (No: 2011/1) was published
in the Offical Gazette dated 23.01.2011 and numbered 27824. The
Communiqué entered into force on 01.02.2011.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment to the Communiqué
Regarding the Forms of Chequebooks, the Amount that Banks are
Obliged to Pay to Bearers, and Notification and Announcement of
Decisions Concerning the Issuance of Cheques and Prohibitions
against Opening Cheque Accounts (No: 2011/1) was published in
the Official Gazette dated 25.01.2011 and numbered 27826. The
Communiqué entered into force on 28.01.2011.
• The Communiqué on the Standardization of Foreign Trade
Pertaining to the Status of International Survey Company (No:
2011/25) was published in the Official Gazette dated 08.02.2011
and numbered 27840.
• The Communiqué on the Repeal of the Communiqués Pertaining
to the Procedures and Principles on the Display of Tobacco
Products at Final Sale Points and Places of Sale; Pertaining to Sales
of Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Drinks by Using Electronic
Commerce Media Like Internet, Television, Fax and Telephone
and; Pertaining to the Principles that Apply to Alcoholic Drink
Advertisements entered into force through publication in the
Official Gazette dated 10.02.2011 and numbered 27842.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué
Numbered 2009/5 Pertaining to the Implementation of the
Supervision of Importation was published in the Official Gazette
dated 17.02.2011 and numbered 27849. This Communiqué entered
into force on 01.01.2011.
• The Communiqué on Standardization for Foreign Trade Pertaining
to the Statute of the International Audit Company (Communiqué
No: 2011/27) entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 17.02.2011 and numbered 27849.