• The Communiqué on the Portable, Enfolded, Composite Gas
Tubes (TS EN 14427-TS EN 12245) (No: MSG-MS-2011/15) was
published in the Official Gazette dated 25.11.2011 and numbered
28123. The Communiqué shall enter into force after six months
following its publication.
• The Communiqué on the Prevention of Unfair Competition on
Importation (No: 2011/21-22-23) entered into force through
publication in the Official Gazette dated 29.11.2011 and numbered
• The Communiqué on the Administration on Quota and Tariff
Contingent on Importation (No: 2011/8) entered into force
through publication in the Official Gazette dated 30.11.2011 and
numbered 28128.
• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Suspension of Customs Taxes
by our Country and the European Union Member Countries, and
to the Products for which Appropriation of Autonomous Tariff
Quotas are Requested (Import: 2011/23) entered into force
through publication in the Official Gazette dated 01.12.2011 and
numbered 28129.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué 2007/5
Pertaining to the Implementation of Supervision of Imports
entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette
dated 06.12.2011 and numbered 28134.
• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Procedures and Principles to
be Respected Regarding the Requests for Notifications at Abroad
and Letters Rogatory has been published in the Official Gazette
dated 12.12.2011 and numbered 28140. The provisions of the
Communiqué shall be effective as of 01.01.2012.
• The Communiqué Pertaining to the Administrative Fines that
would be Enforced in the Year 2012 According to Article 25
of Law 4077 Pertaining to the Protection of Consumers (No:
TGM-2011/1) has been published in the Official Gazette dated
26.12.2011 and numbered 28154. The Communiqué entered into
force on 01.01.2012.