• for four hours or more in the case of flights of 3500 km or more,
then free of charge meals and refreshments and communication
services (phone, facsimile, e-mail) should be offered to the passengers
concerned by the operating air carrier. When the reasonably expected
time of departure is at least the day after the time of departure previously
announced, accommodation and transport to the place of accommodation
should be offered to the passenger. When the delay is at least five hours,
the air carrier should offer a reimbursement and a free return ticket to the
initial departure point.
Right to Compensation
In cases where the passengers are denied to a flight against their will
or if a flight is cancelled, the air carrier shall pay compensation to the
passengers in the TL amounts corresponding to the below mentioned
Euro amounts calculated over the currency exchange rate announced by
the TCMB at the date of the ticket sold.
• for domestic flights: 100 Euro,
• for international flights
o of 1.500 km or less: 250 Euro,
o between 1.500 km and 3.500 km: 400 Euro,
o of 3.500 km or less: 600 Euro
If re-routing is offered to the passengers, than the operating air carrier
may reduce the compensation by 50 %.
The compensation rights of the passengers arising out of other
legislation or regulations are herein reserved. The compensation paid
in the scope of this Regulation shall be deducted from the mentioned
amount of compensation.
Upgrading and Downgrading
If an operating air carrier places a passenger in a class higher than that
for which the ticket was purchased, it may not request any supplementary
payment. If an operating air carrier places a passenger in a class lower
than that for which the ticket was purchased, it shall within seven days,