occurrence of contradictory court decisions. In case of joinder of actions,
there are actions and decisions amounting to the number of claims.
However, the procedural transactions are conducted at the same time and
so that it prevents loss of time.
The Conditions for Implementation
As seen above, the joindery of actions had not been explicitly
regulated under Turkish Law. As a result of this fact the conditions for
implementation had been determined by the doctrine
. However, the
conditions for implementation have now been explicitly determined
within art. 110 of CPC. Pursuant to this article, the joinder of actions shall
be possible when all the alleged claims are considered within the authority
of same type of jurisdiction and in the same venue. The justification of
the article stipulates the conditions more detailed: (i) existence of several
- more than one claim- claims to be alleged by the claimant against the
same defendant, (ii) non-existence of a relation between the claims as to
be principal or accessory, (iii) the claims need to be considered within the
authority of same type of jurisdiction, (iv) the venue to settle all of the
claims must be the same.
(i) Existence of several claims to be alleged by the claimant against
the same defendant
The first condition sought for joinder of the actions is existence of
several claims to be alleged by the claimant against the same defendant.
However, the cases inwhich there are several claims alleged by the claimant
may differ from each other. For instance, the actions with alternative
pleadings, subsidiary claims and counter claims are the actions in which
several claims are alleged but these actions shall not be considered as
joinder of the actions. The joinder of actions requires the existence of
the independent claims in addition to each other. Accordingly, it is not
possible to accept occurrence of joinder of actions in all cases where
there are more than one accrued causes of action. The claims are not
alleged in an order and there is no gradation between these claims; all of
the claims have the same importance level.
KURU, Baki
, Hukuk Muhakemeleri Usulü,
C.II, 6. Baskı, İstanbul 2001, s. 1498.