Competition Board Granted an Individual Exemption to
the “Partnership Agreement”, “Cargo Agreement” and
“Transatlantic Joint Venture Agreement” Signed between
Air France KLM S.A. and Alitalia-Compagnia Aera Italiana
Att. Begüm Taner Huntürk
Alitalia-Compagnia Aera Italiana S.p.A (“AZ”), made a notification
to the Competition Board (“Board”) and demanded the exemption of the
agreements signed within the frame of the cooperation envisaged by itself
and Air France KLM S.A. (“AFKL”), Societe Air France S.A. (“AF”),
KLM Airline Dutch B.V. (“KLM”), Delta Air Lines Inc. (“Delta”).
Agreements Subject to Notification
There are three agreements subject to notification:
1. Partnership Agreement signed between AZ and AFKL on 12.
01.2009, which is to be gradually implemented across the country,
2. Cargo Agreement, which is based on the Partnership Agreement
Art 16, signed on 22.06.2010 on one side by AZ and on the other
side by AF and KLM, who are the companies under the control of
3. Transatlantic Joint Venture Agreement signed on 05.07.2010
between AZ, AFKL and Delta, in order to include AZ into the
Transatlantic Joint Venture.
Pursuant to Art.8 of the Partnership Agreement, AZ shall be
included in the Europe leg of the AF-KLM transatlantic joint venture.
The Original Transatlantic Joint Venture Agreement established a joint
venture between AFKL and Delta in the fields of code sharing, tariffs
and capacity, allocation of slots, passenger sales, marketing, pricing,
income management and frequently flying passenger programs for the
transatlantic routes from Europe (including Turkey) to America and vice
versa, including the connected traffic. The inclusion of AZ in this joint
Article of September 2011