Granting of Access.
The Guidelines Project sets forth that if
the competition problems that occur as a result of a concentration
operation cause foreclosure, the Parties may grant access to the key
information such as infrastructure, networks, know-how, patents, or other
intellectual property rights which will have the same effect as a structural
commitment. Additionally, the Guidelines Project underlines that the
commitments should include monitoring methods and devices, so that
these commitments can be easily monitored.
Termination of Long-term Exclusive Agreements.
can cause existing contractual arrangements to be inimical to effective
competition. This is in particularly true for exclusive long-term
agreements. Therefore, the Guidelines Project regulates that the parties
to the transaction may present the termination of these agreements as
a commitment to the Board.
The Guidelines Project also obliges the
parties to represent that the foreclosure effect is de facto removed.
Conditions that the Implementation of Commitments are
Subject to.
The Guidelines Project brings detailed dispositions on the
implementation of commitment pertaining to the divestiture of business,
and general dispositions on the implementation of the other commitments.
The relevant dispositions are as follows:
The Implementation of a Commitment Regarding Divestiture of
a Business.
The implementation of this commitment contains several
Determination of a Suitable Purchaser.
This phase contains two
phases: the phase of the conclusion of a final agreement and the phase of
finalization of divestiture.
The first phase, which is the conclusion of the final agreement, also
contains two sub-phases. The first sub-phase entitled as “the period while
the parties look for a suitable purchaser” should be completed within six
months. If the parties do not succeed, the second sub-phase begins. In this
period, a divestiture trustee obtains the mandate to divest the business
Even the Guidelines Project stipulates annulment of exclusive agreements for a long time, the
title of the section is “Remedies Including Modification of Exclusive Agreements for Long