impose restrictions with respect to trademark rights which are recorded in
the register and which can only be transferred over register. This is because
the transferee takes over the trademark as attached, and the attachment will
have a binding effect on the transferee. The attachment process will also be
continued in this case.
Pursuant to article 22 of the Decree-Law No. 556 and article 23 of
the Implementing Regulation, the attachment procedure may also apply
to trademark registration applications. The attachment procedure is also
to be published in the Bulletin if the application has been published.
The attachment of a trademark registration application does not prevent
cancellation of the application based on not submitting the necessary
documents in a timely fashion.
In addition to the attachment of a trademark, credits arising from
the transfer of a trademark or the granting of licenses or undertaking of
granting licenses can also be subject to an attachment. In these cases,
the attachment procedure will be executed by sending a notification of
attachment to the debtor of the proprietor of the trademark.