Author's Contents
Melis Uslu is an Associate at Erdem & Erdem. She provides corporate counseling to domestic and foreign clients for international transactions. In particular, she advises on domestic and international mergers and acquisitions, banking and finance law, capital markets law, contracts and anti-corruption law. She is also actively involved in determining how clients will be affected by international sanctions, particularly in relation to international sanctions against Russia.

The website is one of the most important tools that reinforces the transparent management approach of companies and enables company stakeholders such as shareholders, company creditors, and those who carry out activities with the company to access important information about the company quickly and...

Crypto assets have created a significant change in the financial system with the emergence of blockchain technology. The decentralized and digital nature of these assets has offered a new method outside of traditional monetary systems...

Information holds paramount importance in the capital markets. Investors, whether seasoned professionals or newcomers, depend on various sources to guide their decisions amidst the complexities of the capital markets...

In line with the financing needs of companies and their desire for institutionalization, the number of public offerings shows an upward trend across Türkiye. Looking at the data published by the Capital Markets Board on its website regarding initial public offerings, it is seen that, it is seen that 35 public offerings...

In 1987, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development published a report entitled “Our Common Future”. The report drew attention to the causes of global environmental problems and defined sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising...

The European Union continues to be an important investment center for foreign investors. According to data from the European Commission's "Second Annual Report on the monitoring of foreign direct investment in the European Union", the European Union received €117 billion worth of foreign direct investment in...

On 21 December 2007, the Federal Council approved the draft revision of the Swiss Code of Obligations, which also includes amendments to company law. On 28 November 2014, the Federal Council referred the draft revision for consultation. Following extensive discussions and a long enactment process, the...

The Resolution of the President dated 20.07.2022 and numbered 5801 on the Determination of the Default Interest Rate under the First Paragraph of Article 51 of the Law numbered 6183 on the Collection Procedure of Public Receivables as 2.5% to be Applied Separately for Each Month, was published...

The Resolution of the President (Resolution) dated 20.05.2024 and numbered 8485 was published in the Official Gazette dated 21.05.2024 and numbered 32552. Under the Resolution, it was decided to implement the legal interest rate...

The Bill on Amendments to the Turkish Commercial Code and Certain Laws (Bill) was submitted to the Presidency of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye on 03.05.2024. The Bill envisages some amendments to the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 (TCC)...

The Communiqué on the Widespread Use of Green Cement with Low Carbon Emissions in Public Procurement Contracts (Communiqué) is published in the Official Gazette dated 16.03.2024 and numbered 32491. The Communiqué will enter into force on 01.01.2025. According to the Communiqué, to encourage...

The Resolution on Increase in the Minimum Capital Amount for Joint Stock and Limited Liability Companies (Resolution No.: 7887) (Resolution) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 25.11.2023 and numbered 32380. The Resolution entered into force on the date of its publication, to be effective from...

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Sale and Service of Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Beverages (Regulation) is published in the Official Gazette dated 20.09.2023 and numbered 32315. The amendments introduced by the Regulation are summarized...

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States (US) has included some Turkish companies and an individual in the specially designated nationals and blocked persons list (SDN List) to limit Russia’s ability to acquire, develop and maintain the technology it needs for its war machines. The OFAC’s...

The Regulation Amending the Charging Service Regulation entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 28.07.2023 and numbered 32262 and the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Workplace Opening and Operating Licenses (Amending Regulations) entered into force through publication...

The Energy Market Regulatory Authority’s (EMRA) Decision (Decision) dated 20.07.2023 and numbered 11960 was published in the Official Gazette dated 25.07.2023 and numbered 32259. With the Decision, some issues regarding electricity generation in free zones have been clarified...

The Communiqué on Procurements to be Made by Direct Procurement Method (Communiqué) is published in the Official Gazette dated 11.07.2023 and numbered 32245. The Communiqué will enter into force on 01.02.2024. Main issues set forth under the Communiqué are...

The Communiqué (No. 2023/16) on the Amendment to the Communiqué on Required Reserves (No. 2013/15) (Communiqué) is published in the Official Gazette dated 08.07.2023 and numbered 32242. The Communiqué entered into force on the date of its publication, effective as of 07.07.2023. With the Communiqué...

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Second Hand Motor Vehicle Trade (Regulation) is published in the Official Gazette dated 06.07.2023 and numbered 32240. The Regulation will enter into force on 15.07.2023. Significant amendments introduced by the Regulation are...

The Procedures and Principles Regarding Offsetting for Generation and Consumption Facilities Located in Different Distribution Regions or Assigned Supplier Company Regions (Procedures and Principles), adopted by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority’s decision dated 22.06.2023 and numbered 11917, is...

The Communiqué Amending the Communiqué on the Implementation of Energy Performance Contracts in Public Sector (Communiqué) entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 23.06.2023 and numbered 32230. The amendments made by the Communiqué are...

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Enhancement and Evaluation of Quality in Healthcare (Regulation on Quality in Healthcare), the Regulation on Technical Maintenance Services for Medical Devices Used in Health Services (Regulation on Technical Maintenance Services for Medical Devices), the...

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Remote Identification Methods to be Used by Banks and Establishment of Contractual Relations in Electronic Environment (Regulation) is published in the Official Gazette dated 25.05.2023 and numbered 32201. The Regulation will enter into force on 01.06.2023...

The Regulation on Small and Medium Enterprises (Regulation) entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 25.05.2023 and numbered 32201. The Regulation superseded the Regulation on the Definition, Qualifications and Classification of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Superseded...

The Communiqué Amending the Communiqué on Securities Maintenance (No: 2023/11) (Amendment) entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 17.05.2023 and numbered 32193. With the Amendment, a temporary practice regarding banks’ securities maintenance obligation has been...

The Regulation on Ship Registry (Regulation) entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 12.05.2023 and numbered 32188. The Regulation superseded the Ship Registry Regulation put into force by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 31.12.1956 and numbered 4/8520 and...

The Regulation (Amending Regulation) Amending the Regulation on Payment Services and Electronic Money Issuance and Payment Service Providers (Regulation) and the Communiqué on Information Systems of Payment and Electronic Money Institutions and Data Sharing Services of Payment Service...

The Constitutional Court’s decision dated 22.02.2023 and numbered 2022/155 E. 2023/38 K. (Decision) is published in the Official Gazette dated 28.04.2023 and numbered 32174. With the decision, Article 187 of the Turkish Civil Code regarding the surname of women is cancelled...

The Regulation Amending the Ports Regulation (Regulation) entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 14.04.2023 and bis numbered 32163. Significant amendments made by the Regulation are summarized below...

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Private Hospitals (Regulation on Private Hospitals) and the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Private Health Institutions for Outpatient Diagnosis and Treatment (Regulation on Private Health Institutions) namely (Amending Regulations) entered into force through...

The Resolution of the President (Resolution) numbered 6807 on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Tenders to be Conducted by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance within the Scope of Subparagraph (b) of Article 3 of the Public Procurement Law No. 4734 entered into force following its publication...

The Law Amending the Law on the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and the Law on Chambers and Certain Laws and the Decree Law No. 640 (Omnibus Law) is published in the Official Gazette dated 01.02.2023 and numbered 32091. The Omnibus Law amended the Law No. 6585 on the...

The Communiqué on Redetermination of Minimum Equity Amounts for Payment and Electronic Money Institutions (Communiqué) is published in the Official Gazette dated 28.01.2023 and numbered 32087. The Communiqué will enter into force on 30.06.2023. As per the Communiqué, the minimum equity amounts...

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Technical Requirements for Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverage Facilities, Procedures and Principles Regarding their Establishment, Operation and Supervision and the Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Domestic...

The Communiqué on Environmental Impact Assessment Qualification Certificate (Communiqué) entered into force following its publication in the Official Gazette dated 31.12.2022 and numbered 32060. With the Communiqué, the Communiqué on Environmental Impact Assessment Qualification Certificate published in...

The Law Amending the Electricity Market Law, Certain Laws and Decree Law No. 375 (Omnibus Law) entered into force following its publication in the Official Gazette dated 28.12.2022 and numbered 32057. The Omnibus Law introduced significant amendments to the Law on Privatization Practices numbered...

The Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Exemption of Sports Clubs and Sports Joint Stock Companies from Debt Restrictions (Regulation) entered into force following its publication in...

The Law Amending the Law on the Regulation of Tobacco, Tobacco Products and Alcohol Market and Certain Laws (Law) entered into force following its publication in the Official Gazette dated 10.12.2022 and numbered 32039. Significant amendments introduced by the Law are...

The Regulation on Organ Transplantation Services (Regulation) entered into force following its publication in the Official Gazette dated 09.12.2022 and numbered 32038. Significant amendments introduced by the Regulation are...

The Regulation Amending The Regulation on the Principals and Rules to be Implemented in Retail Trade (Regulation) entered into force following its publication in the Official Gazette dated 07.12.2022 and numbered 32036...

The Law on Amendments to the Tax Procedure Law and Certain Laws (Omnibus Law) entered into force through its publication in the Official Gazette dated 26.11.2022 and numbered 32025. The Omnibus Law amended the Law No. 4059 on Financial Stability and Certain Regulations (Financial Stability Law)...

The Regulation (Amending Regulation) Amending the Regulation on Payment Services and Electronic Money Issuance and Payment Service Providers (Regulation) and the Communiqué on Information Systems of Payment and Electronic Money Institutions and Data Sharing Services of Payment Service...

The Presidential Circular numbered 2022/15 on Investment Program Preparations for the 2023-2025 Period is published in the Official Gazette dated 14.09.2022 and numbered 31953 (bis)...

The Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Electronic Seal (Regulation) entered into force through its publication in the Official Gazette dated 14.09.2022 and numbered 31953. Main novelties brought by the Regulation are...

The Regulation on Books and Records to be kept by the Sports Clubs (Regulation) entered into force through its publication in the Official Gazette dated 07.09.2022 and numbered 31946...

The Regulation on Transport Deal Organizer (Regulation) entered into force through its publication in the Official Gazette dated 27.08.2022 and numbered 31936. The Regulation repealed the Freight Forwarders Regulation published in the Official Gazette...

Regulation on the Amendment to the Regulation on Distance Agreements (Amending Regulation) was published in the Official Gazette dated 23.08.2022 and numbered 31932...

The Communiqué Amending the Communiqué on Maintenance of Turkish Lira-Denominated Securities for Foreign Currency Liabilities and the Communiqué Amending the Communiqué on Required Reserves (together referred to as “Amendment Communiqués”) were published...

The Resolution of the President numbered 5973 and dated 17.08.2022 on Export Aids (Resolution) entered into force through its publication in the Official Gazette...

The Constitutional Court Decision dated 01.06.2022 and numbered 2021/85 E. 2022/60 K. (Decision) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 18.08.2022 and numbered 31927. With the Decision, the Presidential Decree dated 29.06.2021 and numbered 74 Regarding Price Stability Committee...

The Constitutional Court Decision dated 20.07.2022 and numbered 2022/22 E. 2022/92 K. has been published in the Official Gazette dated 02.08.2022 and numbered 31911...