Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Electronic Seals is Published
The Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Electronic Seal (Regulation) entered into force through its publication in the Official Gazette dated 14.09.2022 and numbered 31953. Main novelties brought by the Regulation are summarized below.
- Electronic seal is defined as electronic data that is added to another electronic data or has a logical connection with electronic data and is used to verify the information of the electronic seal holder; and secure electronic seal is defined as an advanced electronic seal issued based on a qualified electronic seal certificate.
- An electronic seal constitutes a record of evidence that guarantees the origin and integrity of the document or data and that the electronic document or data was created by the electronic seal holder.
- Secure electronic seals are used to verify the identity of the electronic seal holder and to ensure the integrity of the sealed data. Pursuant to the Regulation, a secure electronic seal has the same legal nature as any physical seal, including an official seal.
- The Regulation stipulates that the owners of the electronic seal may be public institutions and organizations, public administrations, public professional organizations and higher organizations, public and private legal persons, judicial authorities and notaries public.
- In addition, details on qualified electronic seal certificate application, renewal, revocation and certificate fees are also introduced.
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