nership agreement, or if the goals of the partnership become impossi-
ble to achieve, (ii) the death of a partner, (iii) a partner being declared
legally incapacitated, a partner’s insolvency or foreclosure of a part-
ner’s liquidation share, (iv) an unanimous decision of all partners, (v)
the expiry of the term of the partnership agreement, (vi) the termina-
tion by a partner upon notice, if either the right of termination is
reserved, or the partnership is formed for an indefinite period of time,
or it is decided that the partnership shall operate throughout the life-
time of a certain partner, or (vii) a court decision rendered upon
request, based on just cause.
Pursuant to Art. 644 of the TCO, the liquidation shall be conduct-
ed by all of the partners unless otherwise agreed under the partnership
agreement. The partners may appoint a liquidator in order for him/her
to conduct the liquidation procedure. The payment to be made to the
liquidator will be covered by the assets of the partnership, and if that
is not possible, jointly by the partners. Pursuant to the fourth paragraph
of the same article, the disputes arising from the liquidation procedure
or the distribution of the liquidation residuals will be resolved by the
judge, upon the request of those concerned.
Pursuant to Art. 643 of the TCO entitled “Partition of Profit and
Loss,” the remaining profit and loss will be shared among the partners,
following the discharge of the partnership’s debts, refund of the
advances and expenses borne by the partners, and the return of the part-
ners’ contributions. It should be noted that pursuant to the TCO, termi-
nation or liquidation will not extinguish the debts of the partnership,
conversely, even after the termination, the partners shall remain jointly
and severally liable from partnership’s obligations against third parties.
Liquidation of Ordinary Partnerships within the Framework
of Decisions of the Court of Cassation
Pursuant to recent decisions of the Court of Cassation
, liquidation
is defined as the process of identifying partnership assets, finalization
of the partnership by disengaging all relations of the partners within
the scope of the partnership, disposition of partnership assets via shar-
Y3HD, E.2014/11009 K.2014/15095, T.18.11.2014 (Yargıtay Kararları Dergisi, Volume: 41,
Number: 1, January 2015).