The Reason Underlying the Issue in Implementing TCO Art.
138 Regarding Foreign Currency Debts
TCO Art. 138/f.2 explicitly enables the hardship provision to be
applied to foreign currency debts, as well. The underlying causes of
controversial decisions regarding foreign currency debts, in spite of the
existence of such explicit provision, are the other implementation con-
ditions of the provision.
Indeed, in spite of the fact that this Article does not include
detailed explanations on implementation conditions
, in order to claim
adaptation or revocation of the agreement as per Art. 138 of the TCO,
the basis of the agreement shall be changed and the performance shall
become excessively burdensome for one of the parties because of such
change; additionally, these changes shall be “
” At this
point, the critical question is: Do the sudden changes in foreign
exchange rates in foreign currency debts require adaptation as per Art.
138 of the TCO or not?
Diversity in Court of Cassation Decisions
There are two dissenting opinions regarding the abovementioned
question. According to the first opinion, if the increase in the foreign
exchange rate is “
” there shall be no reasons not to apply
Art. 138 of the TCO. However, according to the opposing view, by tak-
ing Turkey’s economic conditions into consideration, it cannot be
argued that the sudden and eminent increase in the foreign exchange
rates is “
” Pursuant to such view, the obligor of foreign
currency is considered as he also undertakes the risk of change in the
foreign exchange rates.
Decisions that are in accord with both of the aforementioned opin-
ions can be observed in the latter decisions of the Court of Cassation
that are rendered as of the entry into force of Law No. 6098.
For instance, in accordance with the decision (11149/26086) of the
Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation, dated 28.10.2013: “
lawsuit is about a claim of adaptation to a Japanese Yen indexed mort-
gage loan which is being used by the claimant, due to the changes that
Please see the Newsletter article of August, 2013,