h) exceeding the position limits provided for all accounts associ-
ated with a registry, or on a market basis in futures and options
markets; or
i) executing transactions that are similar to transactions executed
in the relevant underlying asset market in futures and options
are considered and treated as market abuse actions.
Market Abuse through Communication or Correspondence
To indicate false, wrong or misleading information, spread rumors,
inform, make material disclosures, make comments, or prepare reports
that can affect prices, values of capital market instruments, or the deci-
sions of investors, or which are capable to effect market indicators that
may affect relevant indicators, is considered as market abuse.
Furthermore, the execution of such action by persons who know, or
should have known, that such actions are false, wrong or misleading,
is considered as market abuse (For instance: board of director’s mem-
bers, managers, specialists, etc.).
Non-disclosure of information that is required to be disclosed pur-
suant to the Regulations by the Capital Markets Board regarding mate-
rial disclosure, and which may affect the prices, values of capital mar-
ket instruments, or the decisions of investors are also considered as
market abuse.
In addition, selling a capital markets instrument despite giving a
recommendation to purchase or hold, or purchasing a capital markets
instrument despite giving a recommendation to sell, after making com-
ments, or giving advice about such capital market instruments through
newspapers, television, internet, or similar other media instruments,
until the date of revising such comments or advice, or in any event,
within 5 business days thereafter, is deemed as market abuse.
Other Market Abuse Actions
Prior to the transmitting of orders to investment companies, rele-
vant stock market, or other organized markets that are capable of
affecting the price or value of capital market instruments, to give
orders regarding the capital market instrument in question or other rel-