and/or directly. The hidden income shifting may be performed via pub-
lic company’s subsidiary and/or affiliate, in person, or through its sub-
sidiary and/or affiliate. Accordingly, along with direct income shifting,
damages may occur within a public company, by virtue of the transac-
tions conducted within the scope of the group relation
Together with the protection of the incomes of publicly held joint
stock companies, another impact of the aforementioned regulation is
that it introduces a provision parallel to the protection of the assets
principle, which is also regulated under the Turkish Commercial Code
(“TCC”). Through this provision on the prohibition of the hidden
income shifting, the assets of the public company are protected, and
the opportunity for the minority shareholders to obtain efficient and
necessary amount of dividend is enabled. Additionally, it should be
noted that the hidden transactions that result in the reduction of com-
pany’s profits or assets, in other words, those transactions that cause
damage, are generally considered as collusive transactions
The third paragraph of CML Article 21 imposes documentation
and safekeeping obligations, and sets forth that “The public companies
and collective investment schemes are obliged to certify that the
related party transactions have been performed in accordance with
arm’s length principles, market practices, prudence and honesty
principles of commercial life, and to preserve the documents and
information so certifying for at least eight years. The Board shall
determine the principles and procedures to be followed where a
violation of the principles set forth under paragraph 1 occurs.”
In the third paragraph of the said Article, the public companies and
collective investment schemes shall be obliged to provide certification
that the related party transactions have been performed under the
conditions that are in conformity with the arm’s length principle,
market practices and prudence and honesty principles of commercial
life, and are obliged to keep the documents and information so
certifying this for at least eight years.
The fourth and last paragraph of CML Article 21 regulates the
sanction that shall be applied where hidden income shifting occurs. In
Arslan Kaya
İÜHFM C. LXXI, S. 2, p. 193-204, 2013.
, Sermaye Piyasası Araçları p. 386-387.