Liberalization Process in Electricity Market in Terms of
Competition Law
Att. Ecem Susoy Uygun
Legislation regarding the electricity market initiated its develop-
ment in the first decade of this century. Primarily, Electricity Market
Law No. 4628 (“Law No. 4628”) was approved on 20.02.2001, and
then, Electricity Market Law No. 6446 (“Electricity Market Law”),
which was published in the Official Gazette dated 30.03.2013 and
numbered 28603, took its place. Law No. 4628 was not abrogated with
the entry into force of the Electricity Market Law; it was partially
amended, however, and its name was altered to the Law on Organization
and Duties of Energy Market Regulatory Authority.
Within the framework of the recent legislation that entered into
force, a competitive environment in The Turkish electricity market was
created by virtue of restructuring with an aim towards liberalization.
With regard to the process of the establishment of a competitive elec-
tricity market, the Competition Authority (“Authority”) published the
Report on Wholesale and Retail Electricity Market Sector Inquiry
. One of the subject matters that is thoroughly examined in
this Report is the liberalization process of the electricity market. This
article briefly discusses the liberalization process of the electricity
market, in light of the aforesaid Report of the Authority.
Article of April 2015
Please see.
http://www.rekabet.gov.tr/File/?path=ROOT%2F1%2FDocuments%2FSekt%C3%B6r+Raporu%2Felektriksektor.pdf (Access date: 05.05.2015).