actions arising from subdivision operations, actions concerning the
grant of the operation permit to the coastal facilities.
Council of State examines whether the decision is in compliance
with the law during the second appeal procedure. Following this exam-
ination, if it is concluded that the decision is in compliance with law, it
approves the decision and the approved decision is definitive.
Otherwise, the examined decisions are reversed and dispatched to the
regional administrative court that tried the action before, for it to rehear
the action. The regional administrative court may adopt the reversed
decision of the Council of State or insist on its own decision. Where it
adopts the reversed decision of the Council of State, the appeal exam-
ination of this decision shall be limited to its accordance with the
reversed decision. If the regional administrative court insists on its own
decision by disregarding the reversing decision, it will be examined
and concluded in Council of State plenary session of the chambers for
administrative actions or for tax actions, according to the subject of the
request. Ultimately, it is compulsory to adopt the decisions of the
Council of State plenary sessions of the chambers for administrative
actions and for tax actions.
The Ministry of Justice shall establish regional administrative
courts within three months from the entry in force of Law No. 6545.
The existing regional administrative courts shall continue their opera-
tions until the date the new regional administrative courts are estab-
lished. As of the date when new regional administrative courts are
established, files present at the existing regional administrative courts
shall be assigned to recently established regional administrative courts.
Expedited Trial Procedure
As per the new regulation, an expedited trial procedure is applica-
ble for the disputes arising from the following affaires: tender process-
es excluding the decisions related to the preclusion from participating
in tenders; expedited expropriation procedures; High Board of
Privatization’s decision; sales, appropriation and renting operations in
accordance with the Law on the Encouragement of Tourism No. 2534;
decisions of environmental impact assessments excluding administra-
tive sanction decisions in accordance with Environmental Law No.