Amendments to the Judicial System by Law No. 6545
Att. Ecem Susoy
Law No. 6545, which Amends Turkish Criminal Law and Certain
(“Law No. 6545”), entered into force through its publication in
the Official Gazette dated June 28, 2014 and numbered 29044. Law
No. 6545 particularly amends the administrative procedural system,
the structure of the criminal courts of peace and the commercial courts
of first instance.
Amendments Regarding the Administrative Procedural System
The most important aspects of the amendments regarding the
administrative procedural system made by Law No. 6545 are amend-
ments with respect to the legal remedy system by enabling the process
of appeal and setting forth an expedited trial procedure.
Amended Legal Remedy System:
The existing administrative procedural system, before the amend-
ments made by Law No. 6545, was formed by a judicial system of two
instances. The courts of first instance were the first judicial stage; and
the regional administrative courts and the Council of State, respective-
ly, constituted the subsequent stage of the administrative procedural
system as an authority of objection and appeal. With the new regula-
tion, the administrative judicial system shall be implemented through
a system of three instances constituted by (i) judgment of the courts of
first instance, (ii) first appeal and (iii) second appeal. The aforesaid
Article of July 2014
The Law No. 6545 was published in the Official Gazette dated June 28, 2014 and numbered
29044 and entered into force on June 28, 2014. Please see:
http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskil-er/2014/06/20140628-9.htm (accessed on: 12.08.2014).