Protection of Competition”
, which was submitted to public
opinion by being published in the official website of the
Authority on 20.01.2014. In light of the above-stated, the arti-
cle of the Draft Act amending Article of the Competition Act on
penal sanctions (Art. 16 of the Competition Act) should be
amended and should foresee that the annual gross revenue gen-
erated in the line of business, where the violation has occurred,
should be taken into consideration in the determination of the
Additionally, both the Competition Act and the Draft Act state
that the annual gross revenue “
which was generated by the end
of the financial year preceding the decision, or which was gen-
erated by the end of the financial year closest to the date of the
” should be taken into account. However, EU legisla-
tion states that the annual gross revenue, which was generated
during the last full business year of its participation in the
infringement, should be taken into consideration. There is no
doubt that EU legislation is more equitable since the fine may
be proportional to the competition violation.
Legal Sanction
As per the Draft Act, all kinds of violations of
competition (agreements, concerted practices and decisions and
practices of associations of undertakings in contradiction with
competition law, abuse of dominant position and distortion of
competition through mergers and acquisitions) are invalid. The
Competition Act, contrary to the Draft Act, states that only
agreements, concerted practices and decisions and practices of
associations of undertakings are invalid. The amendment made
with the Draft Act is appropriate since it includes all kinds of
violation of competition. As also stated above, “invalidity”
should be understood as “absolute nullity” in competition law.
In other words, the agreement, concerted practice or merger and
acquisition should be considered as never having occurred and
thus, the competitive environment in place before the violation
should be re-established.
To access to the Draft Regulation on Fines to be imposed in cases of Violation of the Act on the
Protection of Competition, please see
http://www.rekabet.gov.tr/default.aspx?nsw=SdEReVrahMk8KfxDspf7tQ==-H7deC+LxBI8= (accessed on: 06.02.2014).