There is no doubt that the amendments are related to the protection
of the competitive market. However, the definition of “
” should be stated in the secondary legislation and thus the sec-
ondary legislation should be reviewed accordingly. For instance, the
Guidelines on the General Principles of Exemption
, which was pub-
lished in the official website of the Competition Authority
(“Authority”) on 29.01.2014 does not include the notion of “
ent effect
Concentrations, Notification and Inspection
Mergers and acqui-
sitions as regulated under Art. 7 of the Competition Act are defined as
concentration operations, and thus said article is regulated according-
ly. The establishment of joint ventures performing on a lasting basis all
the functions of an autonomous economic entity are also defined as a
concentration. The test of “substantial lessening of effective competi-
tion” is adopted instead of the “dominant position” test in accordance
with EU legislation in order to determine the distortive effects of con-
The Board may give conditional authorization to undertakings in
order to eliminate competition concerns.
The amendments are deemed appropriate and permit full compli-
ance between the Competition Act and the secondary legislation, such
as the Communiqué No. 2010/4. However, relevant article of the Draft
Act amending Article 7 of the Competition Act is very detailed. For
instance, the said article stipulates the cases where the control will be
deemed permanently changed although such details may be stated in
the secondary legislation, such as the Communiqué No. 2010/4. Thus,
the relevant article of the Draft Act amending Article 7 of Competition
Act shall be simplified and include only the essential points.
Negative Clearance
Negative clearance is removed from the Draft
Act, but the grounds for this removal are not stated in the legal justifi-
cation. This might have been done in order to reduce the work-load of
the Board since undertakings can evaluate whether they distort the
To access to the Guidelines on the General Principles of Exemption, please see
abet.gov.tr/File/?path=ROOT%2fDocuments%2fG%C3%BCncel%2fk%C4%B1lavuzlar%2fMUAFIYET%C4%B0N+GENEL+ESASLARI+KILAVUZU.pdf (accessed on: 05.02.1014).