Convening the Ordinary General Assembly
Att. Nilay Celebi
This article will briefly explain whether holding the ordinary
general assembly within 3 months from the end of fiscal year under Art.
409(1) of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 (“TCC No. 6102”)
is compulsory, the outcomes of its not being held and the disclosure of
financial statements within the scope of the capital markets legislation.
Holding the Ordinary General Assembly
As per Art. 409(1) of the TCC No. 6102, ordinary general assembly
meetings are held “
within three months as of the end of each activity
”. The same provision is stipulated under Article 7 of the Regulation
on Procedures and Principles of General Assembly Meetings of Joint
Stock Companies and Customs and Trade Ministry Representatives
Attending Such Meetings, published in the Official Gazette dated
28.11.2012 and numbered 28481. Pursuant to said article: “
The ordinary
general assembly meeting
shall be held within three months as of the end
of each activity period. Therefore, for the companies whose accounting
period is based on the calendar year, meetings shall be held within the
first three months of the year; for companies whose accounting period is
based on a specific accounting period, meetings shall be held within the
first three months following the last day of the accounting period”
There is no specific provision in the capital markets legislation
related to when ordinary general assembly meetings should be held by
public companies subject to the Capital Markets Law No. 6362 (“CML”).
Therefore, public companies should also convene their ordinary general
assembly meetings within 3 months as of the end of each activity period
in accordance with the TCC No. 6102.
Nature of the Period
Art. 409 of the TCC No. 6102 is the same as Art. 364 of the Turkish
Commercial Code No. 6762 (“TCC numbered 6762”). Academics accept
Article of May 2013