and an investigation should not be initiated, that the agreements
concluded between Coca Cola Satış ve Dağıtım A.Ş. and its
dealers should be granted an individual exemption in relation to
the “carbonated beverages” and “sports drinks” markets, and that
the relevant agreements should benefit from the block exemption
in relation to the markets for “fruit juice,” “packaged water,” “ice
tea,” and “energy drinks”. (07.03.2013, 13-12/180-94)
• The Board decided that the exclusivity agreements concluded
between the wine producer/distributor undertakings under
investigation (including Kavaklıdere Şarapları A.Ş., Doluca
Bağcılık ve Şarapçılık A.Ş. ve Mey İçki Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş./
Mey Alkollü İçkiler San. A.Ş.), and on-site consumption points,
as well as other practices leading to de facto exclusivity, benefited
from the block exemption provisions of the Communiqué no
2002/2. (07.03.2013, 13-12/183-97)
• The Board decided that an individual exemption should be granted
to the agreement signed by the members of the Eskişehir Bilecik
Kütahya Business League Association in order to purchase certain
raw materials jointly; in addition, it was decided that the relevant
market should be monitored for a period of 3 years, at the end
of which period the developments and assessments should be
reported to the Board. (13.03.2013, 13-14/201-103)
• The Board decided that an individual exemption should be granted
to the establishment of a new company by the Planmeca Group
with Yusuf Büyükünaldı, a member of the Büyükünaldı Family
which is the owner of Planmeca Group’s Turkish distributor
Ünaldı Medikal Tic. San. Ltd. Şti. (13.03.2013, 13-14/206-106)
• The Board granted an individual exemption to the agreement
signed between Aygaz A.Ş. and Aytemiz Gaz A.Ş. on 25.12.2012
concerning storage, filling services and LPG supply. (28.03.2013,
• The Board decided that the notified Distribution Agreement
concluded between BP Petrolleri A.Ş. and its resellers concerning
the sales of BP and Castrol brand mineral and synthetic oils