the Amending Law, the limitation now includes advertisements in printed
press and internet.
Another regulation set forth by Article 6 is with regard to the
promotions and events which stimulate and support the use and sale
of the alcoholic beverages. Pursuant to the amendments, such events
and promotions cannot be undertaken, with the exception of specific
international fairs, scientific publications and activities. Within this
framework, it is worth mentioning that wine tasting and grape harvesting
events may not be held any more for consumers.
Moreover, subsequent to the amendments, producers, sellers and
importers of alcoholic beverages cannot provide sponsorship to events by
“using their trademarks, logos or signs”.
However, it is possible to use
trademarks, emblems and logos on the service materials of enterprises
serving alcoholic beverages. However, the scope of “service materials”
remains vague.
In addition to the foregoing, pursuant to the 2nd paragraph of Article
6, alcoholic beverages cannot be distributed gratuitously, for promotion
or incentive nor as samples.
Regulations on the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic beverages cannot be sold and cannot be served to people
under the age of 18, as per the 3rd paragraph of Article 6. Furthermore,
alcoholic beverages cannot be sold by vending machines and via press,
and cannot be sent by post.
In addition to the above regulations, the sales of enterprises engaged
in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages are limited with time periods.
Accordingly, alcoholic beverages cannot be sold to customers between
10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
Another regulation relates to the consumption of alcoholic beverages
outside of enterprises serving alcoholic beverages. Pursuant to the
amendments, customers may not consume alcoholic beverages outside
of these establishments. The sale of alcohol for outdoor consummation is
no longer possible.