The law of the country where the award will be enforced may also
be taken into consideration in order to determine the law applicable
to the substance of an arbitration agreement. However, contrary to the
country where the award’s annulment will be sought, the country where
the enforcement will be sought may not be known during the arbitral
proceedings. Thus, it may not be possible in all cases to utilize the law
of enforcement country as the applicable law to the substance of an
arbitration agreement. However, where the enforcement country is known
beforehand, it is useful to take into account the laws of said country.
Examination of the Validity of an Arbitration Agreement before
National Courts
The validity of an arbitration agreement can be examined before
national courts in the event an objection in favor of arbitration is asserted
or as grounds for refusal of enforcement where the enforcement of the
award is requested, or as grounds for annulment where the annulment of
the award is requested.
Assertion of an Arbitration Agreement’s Existence as an Objection
in favor of Arbitration
Where a lawsuit is initiated before national courts despite the existence
of an arbitration agreement, the other party may raise an objection in favor
of arbitration (i.e. that the dispute must be resolved through arbitration
and cannot be resolved before the national courts due to the presence of
an arbitration agreement between the parties).
The validity of an arbitration agreement brought before the national
courts will be examined in accordance with the conflict of laws rules of
lex fori
In Turkish law, Art. 4/3 of the Act on International Arbitration No.
4686 (“AIA”) distinguishes the applicable law to an arbitration agreement
from the underlying contract, and subordinates the arbitration agreement
to the law chosen by the parties or failing any indication thereon, directly
to Turkish law. Consequently, if the applicable law to an arbitration
p. 80.