on restrictions directly related and necessary to concentrations
No. 2005/C - 56/3
While determining whether a non-compete agreement is neces-
sary, the Board thoroughly evaluates for an extended period of time
whether the relevant restraint is directly related to the merger and
acquisition transaction and necessary for the implementation of the
The objectivity of a competition restraint means that
this prohibition must be objectively necessary pursuant to the concrete
conditions of acquisition or merger in the concrete case. The purpose
in this situation is not to prohibit the transferor from competing or
restrict his commercial and entrepreneurial freedom. This restraint
must be objectively necessary with regards to the specific conditions of
the concrete case. In other words, for a restriction to be objective, a
transferor other than transferor concerned must envisage a competition
restriction like this one within the circumstances of the concrete case.
The Guideline does not explain the objectivity principle as
described above, rather it purports that the “direct relation” and “neces-
sity” criteria must be assessed objectively in accordance with the
specifics of the case. However, this issue is clearly stated in the
The Guideline states that in order for a non-compete
contract to be recognized as reasonable, it’s scope with respect to sub-
ject, geographic area and person shall not exceed the reasonable level
that is required for the implementation of the merger and acquisition
transaction. In other words, the competition restriction should only
cover the competition concerns that the purchaser may have as a
consequence of the merger operation and should not go beyond these
In terms of Subject.
As a rule, non-compete obligations must be
limited to those goods and services comprising the area of oper-
The Notice was published in the Official Journal of the European Union dated March 05, 2005
and numbered C56/24. The provision regarding the objectivity is on the 11th paragraph of the
Announcement. To find the Announcement see:
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2005:056:0024:0031:EN:PDF (accessed on: 03.01.2013).