Innovations in the New Turkish Commercial Code Concerning
the Amendments of the Articles of Association - II
Prof. Dr. H. Ercüment Erdem
Provisions concerning the amendment of the articles of association
(“AoA”) were subject to extensive modifications within the New Turkish
Commercial Code (“New TCC”). Some of the provisions concerning the
amendment of the AoA were addressed in our article last month. This
month, we shall continue our analysis concerning the amendments of the
AoA, and we shall especially concentrate on the amendments of the AoA
concerning the capital of the company.
Amendments of the AoA Concerning Capital Increase /Equity
Article 456 of the New TCC regulates the general principles concerning
capital increase. Pursuant to Article 456/1 of the New TCC, the capital of the
company may not be increased unless the cost of the issued shares is fully
paid. The relevant provision is similar to the general principle laid down
under Article 391 of the Turkish Commercial Code (“TCC”). However,
pursuant to the second sentence of Article 456/1, the fact that the amount
of called-up share capital, which does not constitute a substantial portion of
the issued share capital may not prevent the capital increase. With this new
disposition, the obstacles to raise share capital faced by the insignificant
amounts of called-up share capital has been overcame, and it is stipulated
that the amounts which may be neglected and which are not important in
value shall not be a preventive factor on the share capital increase.
Pursuant to Article 456/3 of the New TCC, in the event that the
capital increase is not registered within three months from the general
assembly (“GA”) or board of directors (“BoD”) resolution, the resolution
and the permission if applicable, shall be invalid. The relevant disposition
provides a solution for another need in practice. With the requirement
to register the capital increase within a certain period of time, delays
resulting from the capital increase have been prevented.
Article of October 2011