Provisions Concerning the Companies whose Shares are Traded
at Stock Exchange
Article 421/5 of the New TCC provides different quorums for the
companies whose shares are traded at the stock exchange. The said article
makes reference to quorums regulated under Article 418 for the GA
meetings held with regards to the amendments of AoA pertaining to capital
increase and increase of the limit of registered capital, and resolutions with
regards to mergers, acquisitions and conversion. Pursuant to Article 418,
the meeting quorum for the said meetings is the presence of shareholders
holding at least one forth of the capital, or their representatives. In case this
quorum cannot be established in the first meeting, no quorum is required
for the second meeting. As per the resolution quorum, this quorum is
the majority of votes present at the meeting. It should be noted that the
relevant provision shall only be applied to companies whose shares are
traded at the stock exchange. This provision aims at the adoption of the
resolutions which are difficult to be adopted under qualified majorities.
Suspension of Share Transfer Restriction Provisions
Article 421/6 of the New TCC regulates that the shareholders holding
nominative shares who voted against the modification of the field of
operation or issue of preference shares shall not be bound by the share
transfer restrictions during the six months following the publication of the
relevant resolution in the Trade Registry Gazette. The said article enables
the shareholders holding nominative shares which fulfill the conditions
provided in the article to transfer their shares in the company without
being subject to any restriction in the event of modification of the field
of operation or issue of preference shares. The resolutions concerning
the modification of the field of operation in whole, or issue of preference
shares cause significant changes within the company. The fact that the
shareholders opposing to these changes continue to hold the company’s
shares because of share transfer restrictions has many negative effect.
Therefore, the share transfer restrictions are suspended during six months.
The share transfer restrictions will fall within the scope of the relevant
provision are contractual restrictions, and the relevant provision shall not
apply to share transfer restrictions provided by law.