The limitation on the number of power consumption station for each
energy generation stations that can be established within the scope of
the Regulation is important. Principally, only one cogeneration facility,
micro cogeneration facility or generation facility based on renewable
energy sources can be established for each power consumption station.
However, in the case the distribution system has sufficient capacity
to cope with the uptake, more than one cogeneration or generation
facility based on renewable energy sources can be established for each
consumption facility. On the other hand, the total installed capacity power
of these stations may not exceed 500 kilowatts. The rule that allows the
opportunity to establish more than one facility shall not be applicable on
micro cogeneration facilities. Only one micro cogeneration station can be
established for each power consumption station.
Another paramount issue that should be taken into consideration about
the Regulation is that the power generation and consumption stations are
required to be located within the same distribution zone. Stations, located
outside distribution zones shall not be evaluated within the Regulation.
The Connection Principles and Connection Application
The power generation stations that fall under the scope of the
Regulation are connected to the distribution system. The connection
application can be made by real or legal persons willing to generate
electricity in generation facilities under the Regulation, by filling out the
Unlicensed Generation Connection Application Form. The application
shall be made directly to the relevant distribution company, or to the
legal entity holding Organized Industrial Zone distribution license. The
document confirming the grant of utilization right of renewable energy
sources must be accompanied with the other application documents.
Assessment of the Application
The applications are assessed against the set criteria such as the use
of renewable energy sources in the generation stations, the eligibility of
the station as a cogeneration station and whether the power station is
located within same location with the power consumption station.