of license. In case of non performance of the aforesaid obligations, the
request for the variation of the license shall be deemed to be rejected.
Obligation of Generation License Holders to Submit Progress
Generation license holders are obliged to submit two progress reports
regarding their activities effectuated until the completion date in a year:
first one shall be submitted in July and second one shall be submitted in
January. The content and structure of progress reports will be determined
by EMRA.
Amendment Regarding Legal Entities that Provisional Approval
is Not Granted within the Scope of License
Legal entities that EMRA did not grant a provisional approval for their
power stations, may request the termination of their licenses by a written
application which may be made within 1 month from the effective date
of this Regulation. In that case, the letters of guarantee will be returned
if these legal entities waive their right to resource utilization which is the
ground of their licenses. This disposition also encompasses to the legal
entities whose generation licenses are approved by EMRA.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Legal entities which had obtained a generation license before the
effective date of this Regulation and legal entities which have not applied
to EMRA for the decision to be taken within the scope of Environmental
Impact Assessment Regulation are obliged to apply to EMRA for the
relevant decision within 60 days following the effective date of this