The principle of proportionality will be understood as not going
beyond what is necessary for the realization of the objectives of the
Guidelines Project. In other words, this principle means that, if there is
more than one commitment, the least troublesome will be chosen, and
equilibrium will be established between the concerns and the objectives.
Commitments will be efficient and implementable.
submitted by the partiesmust be efficient. In other words, the commitments
“eliminate sustainably and without any doubt”
the competition
concerns which may arise from the operation of concentration. In
addition, the commitments must be implementable within the shortest
time. Otherwise, in case of any modification in the conditions of the
market or in case of the realization of an extraordinary or unexpected
situation, commitments will lose their objective and will be insufficient
to eliminate the competition concerns.
In order for the Board to determine whether the commitments fulfill
these conditions, the parties must also submit to the Board, in addition to
the commitments, detailed information on the content and implementation
of the commitments and indicate how they will eliminate competition
concerns. Nonetheless, the Board will not base its analysis only by using
the information submitted by the parties. As a matter of fact, the Board
will also analyze elements such as the place of the parties and their
competitors in the market, the implementation of the commitments by
the parties efficiently and in due time within the conditions of the market.
Accordingly, the obligation to submit commitments which may
eliminate competition concerns arising from an operation is the
responsibility of the parties, and the analysis of these commitments is the
responsibility of the Board.
There is no doubt that this regulation parallel to the Notice is very
felicitous. However, in order to easily reach the objectives set by the
Guidelines Project, the following amendments must be realized:
• As with the Notice, the “review clause” must also be included
within the Guidelines Project. This clause gives the parties
The term “remedy proposition” is used within the Guidelines Project in lieu of “commitment”.
However, the term “commitment” will be used in our article.