does not fall within the scope of activities of the company. Pursuant to
article 15 of the Application Act, the provision in relation to abolishing
ultra vires
rule shall immediately be applicable as of the entry into
force date; therefore, provisions in the articles of association delimiting
the competence of a company to the scope of activities will be deemed
unwritten as of the entry into force of the New TCC.
3. Group Companies
Group companies are regulated for the first time by the New TCC.
Pursuant to article 202 of the New TCC, the controlling company shall not
exercise its control over the subsidiary company without compensating
the damage to be incurred by such subsidiary. In case damage is incurred
by the subsidiary as a result of exercise of control, such loss shall be
compensated within two years.
Shall controlling companies be obliged to compensate losses
incurred by the subsidiary deriving from exercise of control during the
period in which the Current TCC is in force? Pursuant to article 18 of the
Application Code, in case a loss is incurred as of July 1, 2012 as a result
of exercise of control shall be compensated until July 1, 2014. Failure of
such compensation shall result in the possibility to file certain lawsuits
foreseen with respect to group companies as of July 1, 2014.
4. Cross-Shareholding
Article 197 of the New TCC introduces a new provision in relation
to cross shareholding of companies stating that if two companies both
hold 25% of the shares of the other company, the shareholding rights of
the company causing such cross-shareholding (the company acquiring
25% of the shares of a company who holds 25% of its shares) shall be
decreased to 1/4
. The Application Code regulates in its article 19 that
the provision in relation to decreasing the voting rights shall come into
effect on July 1, 2014, whereas all other provisions with regards to cross-
shareholding shall immediately come into force. However, provisions
governing cross-shareholding of the New TCC shall not be applicable
in case of subsidiary company’s acquisition of parent company shares or
both companies’ dominance to each other.