the mother and the baby is essential. Therefore, the transfer of embryos
will be limited.
Therefore, it will be essential not to implement more than one embryo
during the application of ART in the centers. However, only one embryo
will be used for patients under 35 years old for the first and second
application; two embryos will be implemented for the third and following
applications; and a maximum of two embryos will be used for patients over
35 years old.
The applications to these centers will be suspended if it is determined
that violations of the regulation have taken place. The first violation will
result in a suspension of three months; a suspension of six months will be
imposed for the second occurrence.
If there are ongoing violations, the license of the center and the
certificate of the ART unit officer will be cancelled.
Centers Will Be Held Responsible For The Patient Follow-Up Until
The Time Of The Birth
Pursuant to the Regulation, the centers will be held responsible for
following up with patients who become pregnant as a result of the ART
application until the time of the birth. In this regards:
a) Centers will ensure that the specialist doctor follows up with the
pregnant woman in the hospital, the pregnant woman gives birth and that
the centers will provide care unit service to the adult and the newborn.
b) If the woman is domiciled outside of the province of the center, the
center will see to it that a specialist doctor follows up with the pregnant
woman in the hospital where the woman is domiciled and the pregnant
woman gives birth and ensure that the centers provide care unit service to
the adult and the newborn.
c) The center will notify the directorate if the patient becomes
unrecorded at any stage.
In order to follow up the applications, the centers will send the
standard forms determined by the Ministry to the Directorate of Maternal
and Child Health and Birth Control every year in January containing the
previous year’s working input and information with regard to pregnancies.