New Criteria for Granting Permission to Work to Foreigners
Have Been Applied Since 2 August 2010
Inorder to ensure objective and efficient processingof requests by foreigners
for permission to work certain criteria have been established pursuant to
the Regulation on the Application of the Law on Working Permissions for
Foreigners article 13. Those criteria, to be applied beginning on 2 August
2010, are as follows:
1- The recruitment of at least five Turkish nationals in the business
place where the foreigner requests permission to work is mandatory.
If the foreigner asking for permission is a shareholder of the company,
the condition of the recruitment of at least five Turkish citizens must be
fulfilled for the last six months of the one year permission period to be
granted by the Ministry. If more than one foreigner requests permission to
work in the same business place, the recruitment of at least five Turkish
citizens is necessary for each foreigner.
2- The paid-in capital of the business place must be at least 100.000 TL;
its gross sales must be at least 800.000 TL; or its amount of imports must
be at least 250.000 USD.
3- The second paragraph for the working permissions of foreigners who will
work for associations and foundations and the first and second paragraphs
for the foreigners who will work at the Turkish representations of foreign
state airlines, in the education sector, and house works do not apply.
4- The capital share of the foreigner who is a shareholder of the company
must be at least 20% and cannot be less than 40.000 TL.
5- The monthly salary to be paid to the foreigner must be appropriate for
the position and sufficiency of the foreigner. Accordingly, based on the
current amount of the minimum wage on the date of the application, the
monthly salary to be paid to the foreigner must be at least:
a) 6.5 times the minimum wage for executive managers, pilots, civil
engineers, and architects who apply for preliminary permission,
b) 4 times the minimum wage for unit or branch directors, civil
engineers, and architects,
Article of July 2010