Prof. Dr. Seza Reisoğlu Tribute Event and Law Conference
The “Prof. Dr. Seza Reisoğlu Memorial Meeting and Legal Conference” organized by the Banks Association of Türkiye was held on Thursday, October 3, 2024 between 13:30 - 17:00 at Türkiye İş Bankası, İş Kule Grand Hall.
During the event, our Founder and Senior Partner, Prof. Dr. H. Ercüment Erdem, delivered a keynote address on the topic of "Syndicated Loans and Arbitration" between 15:35 and 16:45. In his presentation, Ercüment Erdem provided an in-depth analysis of syndicated loans, addressing the relevant data, the parties involved, and the procedural framework governing such loans. He also examined the various types of syndicated loans and their legal character. He further explored potential disputes arising within the context of syndicated loans, focusing on the mechanisms of dispute resolution.
In his speech, Prof. Erdem also discussed the applicability of arbitration in disputes arising from syndicated loans and evaluated the concepts such as ad hoc arbitration, institutional arbitration and model arbitration agreements in detail. He stated that many contracts to which banks are parties are arbitrable and that the use of arbitration as a dispute resolution method by banks would help the development of arbitration.
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