Ceasing Commercial Activities versus Liquidation
of Legal Entities
Att. Leyla Orak Celikboya
Bankruptcy and Enforcement Code No. 2004
(“BEC”) regulates
certain obligations for merchants who are ceasing to continue their
commercial activities. Pursuant to Art. 44 BEC, a merchant ceasing
commercial activities must notify the commercial registry to which
such merchant is registered, declare all of its properties, debts, and the
names and addresses of its creditors, as a declaration of property. This
provision aims to minimize damages that may be suffered by the cred-
itors due to the malicious actions of the debtor merchants
. In fact,
merchants may be subject to bankruptcy proceedings, both pursuant to
the BEC and Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102
(“TCC”); however
merchants may intend to avoid any such proceedings of creditors
through ceasing their commercial activities.
The BEC regulates the obligations of merchants ceasing com-
merce and sanctions in the event of their violation. However, this
framework as established under the BEC must be assessed carefully
for legal entity merchants, especially the commercial companies regu-
lated under the TCC that have detailed and specific liquidation proce-
Article of July 2015
Published in the Official Gazette dated 19 June 1932 and No. 2128.
Government Justification of Law No. 538: see.
Necip Bilge-Burha Gürdoğan
Son değişiklik-
lere göre gerekçeli İcra ve İflas Kanunu
, Ankara, 1965, page 41, cited from
Baki Kuru
Terk Eden Tacirlerin Tabi Bulunduğu Hükümler
, AUHFD, 1970,
http://auhf.ankara.edu.tr/dergiler/auhfd-arsiv/AUHF-1970-27-01-02/AUHF-1970-27-01-02-Kuru.pdf (accessed on
22.07.2015), footnote. 2.
Published in the Official Gazette dated 14 February 2011 and No. 27846. Art. 18/1 of the TCC,
Art. 43 of the BEC.