In practice, notaries public examine authorities granted via powers
of attorney and, meanwhile, they abstain from issuance of a power of
attorney when they encounter expressions, such as “
to represent the
company to the greatest extent possible.
” In such a case, they indicate
that this authorization is subject to authorization, and can only be made
via a board of directors’ resolution. Within this context, the power of
attorney that is issued by a notary public must concern a certain limit-
ed operation.
Are amendments to the internal directive also subject to
Legally, all amendments made in matters that are subject to regis-
tration shall also be subject to registration. However, it must be point-
ed out that there are differences, in practice. Some trade registry direc-
torates solely require the registration of amendments; whereas, others
require the entire internal directive to be registered
. It can be foreseen
that the practice will harmonize over time, just as the registration of
only the amended article in the articles of association.
What are the effects of the internal directive in terms of
The internal directive system is a shield that can protect the com-
pany from third persons. Therefore, it must be registered before the
trade registry. In order for an agreement concluded by the representa-
tives of the company shown in the internal directive to be binding upon
the company, such representatives shall hold representation authority.
Otherwise, the counterparty of the agreement’s concluded representa-
tive without authority shall have no claims arising from the agreement.
Here, the effect of a registered internal directive is observed. The coun-
terparty to the contract may confirm whether the representative in the
internal directive has authority, or not, from the trade registry gazette.
Istanbul Trade Registry Directorate: “In case of amendment to the internal directive which is
registered and announced in the company records or in case of additions to such internal direc-
tive, a new and differently dated, numbered internal directive should be registered and