tem, the general assembly resolution is required in Turkish Law in
order to decrease the capital.
Except for those stated, the Draft includes certain provisions on
facilitating the distribution of legal reserves (Art. 671 of Draft) and
allowing the distribution of interim dividends (Art. 675 of Draft).
Provisions on Shareholding
The draft includes provisions on the controversial issue of dispo
shares (actions dispo) that signify the problem regarding the holders of
the nominative shares which are not registered in the company’s share
register. The owners of the shares shall not be registered automatically
to the company’s share register unless they request to be registered, and
shareholders who are not registered in the share register shall not exer-
cise their right to vote. By reason of dispo shares, the quora may not be
attained in the general assembly, a lower majority may control the com-
pany, or other similar problems may appear. In order to overcome such
problems, certain solutions are already adopted, such as a presumption
that the depositor is deemed to be the shareholder in terms of exercis-
ing the rights that arise from the shares; however, the solutions resulted
in new discussions. The Draft also provides for the general assembly to
resolve that shareholders who exercise their right to vote be entitled to
benefit from up to 20% higher dividends (Art. 661 of Draft). In addi-
tion, the Draft obliges the listed companies to provide an electronic
means for shareholders to request registration in the share register (Art.
686b of Draft). Pursuant to Turkish Law, the shareholders shall be reg-
istered in the company’s share register upon their request, and only the
holders of the nominative shares registered in the share register may
exercise their right to vote in the general assembly (Art. 417/2 of TCC).
However, the transfer of the shares registered to the Central Registry
Agency (“CRA”) shall be registered in the company’s share register in
accordance with the records of the CRA without any request (Art. 13/6
of CML). The interpretation of this provision is controversial among
scholars, and various of them state that the relevant provision does not
allow for automatic registration by the company in the share register.
Furthermore, the Draft provides a right to demand written infor-
mation from the board of directors for the shareholders of the unlisted