by Cavendish Global Ltd., which is jointly controlled by
Cutrale Group and Safra Group. (03.12.2014; 14-47/861-391)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of the 49% of the shares
of LPD Holding A.Ş. by LeasePlan Corporation N.V. from
Doğuş Group. (03.12.2014; 14-47/862-392)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of the full control of İstan-
bul Sabiha Gökçen Uluslararası Havalimanı Yatırım Yapım ve
İşletme A.Ş. and LGM Havalimanı İşletmeleri Ticaret ve
TurizmA.Ş., which are currently jointly controlled by Limak ve
İnşaat ve Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş., Limak Yatırım Enerji Üretim
İşletme Hizmetleri İnşaat A.Ş. and Malaysia Airports Holdings
Berhad, by Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad via its affiliate
Malaysia Airports Cities Sdn Bhd. (03.12.2014; 14-47/863-
• The Board authorized the transformation of Rönesans
Gayrimenkul Yatırım A.Ş. into a joint venture by means of a
two-phased acquisition of 21.44% of its shares by Euro Efes S.a
r.l. (03.12.2014; 14-47/866-396)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of the activity on textile
chemicals of BASF SE by SKCP Fund Management, LLC via
its affiliates, Archroma Management LLC and ArchromaTextile
S.a.r.l. (11.12.2014; 15-50/884-402)
• The Board authorized the establishment of joint control on
Limak Doğalgaz Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. by means of the acquisi-
tion of 25% of the shares of Limak Doğalgaz Elektrik Üretim
A.Ş. by InfraKan Holding S.a.r.l, from Limak Yatırım Enerji
Üretim İşletme Hizmetleri ve İnşaat A.Ş. (11.12.2014; 14-
• The Board authorized the acquisition of the control of Uçkan
Medikal San. ve Tic. A.Ş. and Primeks Dış Tic. A.Ş. by Omega
Pharma Kişisel Bakım Ürünleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
(11.12.2014; 14-50/887-405)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of all of the current equi-
ty shares of Nutreco N.V. by SHV Holdings N.V. via its affili-
ate SHV Investments Ltd. (18.12.2014; 14-53/905-412)